Stephen Crabb under fire over links to ‘Tory cure’ group

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Stephen Crabb has come under intense fire over his links to a fundamentalist Christian group that believes holding Conservative political ideals is a perversion that can be ‘cured’.

The Christian Action Research and Education group (CARE), with whom the hard-right MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire began his political career, claims that Tories are ‘politically broken’ and that they can become ‘ex-Tory’ through a combination of prayer and brainwashing.

His appointment by David Cameron to the position of Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has raised eyebrows in some quarters, not least because the fundamentalist MP recently voted in favour of asset-stripping the disabled for the benefit of high earners.

Speaking to the press last night, Mr Crabb said: “My predecessor at the Department of Work and Pensions should be proud of his record of waging war on the disabled, the sick, and the unemployed. I hope to bring the same hatred and thoughtlessness to the role.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have cruel policies to roll out against the disabled.”



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