A woman who has total contempt for ordinary people has claimed that unionised workers who are fighting to defend worker rights are actually the ones who have contempt for ordinary people, it has emerged.
A spokesperson for Theresa May said: “By striking, ordinary working people are showing contempt for the ordinary people who voted to leave the EU, and that is quite unacceptable in 21st century Tory Britain.”
“The prime minister hates the idea of workers having rights, because it causes so much inconvenience to ordinary people who earn £100,000 a year or more, people who are rich enough to have little need for collective bargaining and who are just trying to go about their lives of luxury.”
“The PM now calls on the striking workers to be patriotic, get back round the table and accept whatever shit deal the employers want to impose.”
“Ordinary working people need to realise they have no choice except to become slaves to rich shareholders like her millionaire husband who works for a hedge fund. This is the will of the British people according to the referendum held on the 23rd of June.”
“Failure to relinquish the right to strike will be met with the full force of a new anti-worker law that the Blairites will help us push through in Parliament early in 2017.”